
由CAMoore著作·2022·被引用14次—Treatmentincludesbonemarrowtransplantsandadditionalmedicationsthatsuppresstheimmunesystemandprovidebloodproductstothebody.,Bonemarrowsuppressionalsoknownasmyelotoxicityormyelosuppression,isthedecreaseinproductionofcellsresponsibleforprovidingimmunity ...,Bonemarrowsuppressionoccursinallindividualswhotakechloramphenicolregularly.Thisisprimarilymanifestedbyareversib...

Bone Marrow Failure

由 CA Moore 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 14 次 — Treatment includes bone marrow transplants and additional medications that suppress the immune system and provide blood products to the body.

Bone marrow suppression

Bone marrow suppression also known as myelotoxicity or myelosuppression, is the decrease in production of cells responsible for providing immunity ...

Bone Marrow Suppression

Bone marrow suppression occurs in all individuals who take chloramphenicol regularly. This is primarily manifested by a reversible fall in reticulocyte count.

Bone Marrow Suppression During Cancer Treatment in ...

Bone marrow suppression is when fewer blood cells are made in the marrow. It can cause a decrease in red and white blood cells, and platelets.


Myelosuppression, also known as bone marrow suppression, is a decrease in bone marrow activity that results in reduced production of blood cells. Some blood ...

Myelosuppression (Bone Marrow Suppression)

2023年2月27日 — Myelosuppression (bone marrow suppression) happens when your bone marrow doesn't make enough blood cells and platelets.


2022年4月28日 — Myelosuppression, or bone marrow suppression, is when there are fewer red and white blood cells and platelets due to reduced bone marrow ...


2023年7月20日 — If you have a blood-related cancer like multiple myeloma, your bone marrow may not be able to make enough blood cells.